The New Tax Plan Means More Expenses – and Greater Losses – Before and After Your Divorce

maryland tax law

When a couple decides to divorce, each person may harbor fears about how the children will be affected, or how the property will be split. Depending on the exact circumstances, there may be quibbling (or a contentious battle) over issues like alimony, child support or the effect on the family business. What most couples do not readily consider is the effect a divorce may have on their taxes.

Perhaps they should. A recent article in Forbes regarding the new tax Bill in the House of Representatives looks at six tax breaks that most couples stand to lose. In the number one spot is the alimony deduction – and it is not the only reason that the cost of your divorce will increase, both before and after the process is complete. We want to address the cost of your divorce under the new tax Bill, so you can be prepared for what is to come, if it passes.

Tax reform and alimony

Alimony is an adjustment to the income of both the person who pays (the payor) and the person who receives the award. In many cases, there is a significant difference in the earnings between the two parties. This is especially true in a marriage where one person runs the home, and the other earns a salary. When a couple in this position divorces, the two spouses are placed in different tax brackets.

For example: let us say the husband is the person who left the home to work, and he pays 35% of his income in taxes. The husband is ordered to pay $50,000 per year in alimony. The wife only has alimony for her income; as such, she is taxed at a rate of 15%. Under the current tax laws, as Forbes puts it, “alimony payments are deductible by the payor, and considered taxable income to the payee.”

Therefore, the husband would receive a tax deduction so that he would be paying taxes only on the amount less his tax rate as a percentage of income. Husband would receive a tax deduction on the $50,000 in alimony he is to pay to wife, but he won’t receive a 100% deduction on this amount. After the deduction, husband would actually be paying $32,500 to wife, not the full $50,000. The wife will pay taxes on the full $50,000 she receives in alimony, but at her rate of 15%, which only amounts to about $7,500.

Under the new tax plan, this deduction is eliminated. That will have two effects: first, the payor spouse will not receive any tax deduction for any alimony payments made, which will amount to a straight loss to the payor spouse. Second, it will make it far more difficult to negotiate alimony on behalf of the wife who did not work outside of the home, and does not have a skills set that would allow her to seek gainful employment, as there would now be no tax benefit to husband for providing alimony to wife.

Additional tax concerns for continuing education

In Maryland, there is a type of spousal support called transitional alimony. It starts after the divorce decree is final, and continues for a certain length of time, to allow a spouse to learn a new trade, or to go back to school – in short, to allow him or her to become self-sufficient. Under the current tax laws, the interest on student loans is tax deductible, and employers can contribute up to $5,000 to an employee’s education without that $5,000 being listed as income. Many companies, for example, will pay for college classes that are applicable to your work, or offer some form of tuition reimbursement.

Under the new plan, the student loan deduction disappears entirely, and any educational contributions made by your employer will be listed as income. If we use our example from above, the wife will face an additional $750 in taxes (for the contributions to her education by her employer). If she takes out a loan to pay for school, and pays $1,000 in interest on that loan, she will be taxed on that $1,000 ($150, with her 15% tax bracket).

The new tax Bill will cost you more in childcare, too

When figuring the “needs” of a family, an employer can provide child care reimbursement for up to $5,000 each year. When we are preparing budgets for our clients, this is a serious consideration. Under the current tax laws, that $5,000 is not taxable income. However, under the new tax plan, it would will be. Our wife will pay another $750 in taxes (given her 15% tax bracket).

To recap: under the current laws, our newly divorced wife will pay $7,500 in taxes on her $50,000 annual alimony. Under the President’s new tax plan – the tax plan currently being debated in the House – she will instead pay $9,150. However, as she will actually be taxed on $60,000 of income (for continuing education and child care), the chances are good that she might move into the next tax bracket altogether, which, of course, will increase her taxes even more, despite no increase in the actual alimony payments being made to her.

Adding insult to injury with the Capital Gains Tax

Alimony is not the only aspect that could be affected in a divorce. A capital gain is defined as the “increase in the value of a capital asset (investment or real estate) that gives it a higher worth than the purchase price. The gain is not realized until the asset is sold. A capital gain may be short-term (one year or less) or long-term (more than one year) and must be claimed on income taxes.” A capital gains tax is levied on the difference between the original purchase price and the sale price. Generally speaking, the people in the lowest tax brackets tend not to have capital assets that would generate capital gains taxes.

Capital gains taxes can affect what you pay when you sell your home, or when (as in many cases of divorce) one spouse moves out of the family home, and the other spouse retains possession of it. The existing law – which was changed awhile back to make it more fair to the person in possession of the home – is that if you have owned your home, and used it as your principal residence for two of the prior five years, you get an exemption for capital gains on the sale of the house for up to $500,000 for a couple, or $250,000 for a single person.

Under the new bill, you would need to live in the family home for at least five out of the last eight years. Therefore, if you and your spouse bought a home six years ago, there is no exemption. If your spouse lives in the home for more than three years, and you are the one who moved out, you lose the exemption. If you wanted to delay the sale of your home, you lose the exemption.

And the person who moves out? He or she may pay up to $40,000 in taxes.

This new tax bill can and will have long-lasting, and potentially painful, effects on people who are seeking a divorce. It will make negotiations more challenging, and both you and your spouse stand to lose much more than you will gain, if this tax Bill becomes a law. At Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC, we do whatever is in our power to help out clients throughout Maryland retain their assets, minimize their tax burden, and protect their families and futures. To speak with an experienced divorce lawyer at our office in Annapolis, please contact the firm or call 410-990-0090.

What to Expect at a Typical Divorce Mediation Session?

What typically happens at a mediation divorce session? First you should know that mediation is about you, so the mediator will expect to hear from you. You need to know what your position is and be able to articulate it and not just have one position, but have a back-up position in case your first position is not accepted by the opposing party.

Second you need to understand that mediation although often very successful in resolving a case, may not result in an initial settlement and so that’s okay. You can have more than one mediation session and ultimately you always have an opportunity to be heard by a judge.

Next you should understand that if your mediation does not result in a settlement and you have to have a judge hear your case, nothing that you said in mediation can be brought up in the trial. Mediation is confidential, so you’re not bound by a position that you took in the mediation.

The last thing you should know is that your mediator will take notes, but he or she will not draft your agreement, so one of the lawyers that’s present with you will have to draft that agreement for you. Thank you.

If you are a parent who is owed back child support, your Maryland family law attorney from the law firm If you have questions about mediation or divorce, Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC is here to help. You can reach our Annapolis family law team by calling 410.921.2422, or filling out our contact form to schedule a consultation today.

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Why Staying Together for the Children Is Harmful to You and Your Kids

4 Tips for Simplifying Your Maryland Divorce

Divorce can be messy and expensive, and even under the most amicable of circumstances, it creates upheaval in the lives of everyone concerned. There may be contentious fights about the division of marital assets, who will keep the house, and who will get custody of the kids. Perhaps you and your spouse want to “tough it out,” thinking it will be less painful for the children if you wait until they are grown to end your marriage. But does raising your children in a household with two parents who are tired of each other make for the best atmosphere in which a child can grow up?

Children are incredibly perceptive, and most can tell that you are not in love with each other anymore. They may see it in the physical distance you stand from your spouse, or hear the muffled sounds of arguments behind closed doors. They pick up on shifts in behavior that you may not even know are occurring, such as a stiffening of the shoulders when touched; one of you going to bed first; or one of you taking more “business trips.” Staying together for their sake might seem like the “right” thing to do, but it will not help you, your spouse or your children in the long run. In cases where you or your child is being abused, it is even more dangerous.

What the research says

Studies and polls support the idea that it is better for an unhappy couple to separate or divorce than to stay together for the sake of the children. In 2008, Cornell published a study that looked at close to 2000 families. In that study, they “compare

In 2015, the British family law organization, Resolution, polled 514 people between the ages of 14 and 22 about their experience with parental separation. According to their research, “An overwhelming majority (82%) of the young people surveyed said that, despite their feelings at the time, they felt it was ultimately better that their parents divorced rather than stay together unhappily.”

Despite how you may feel about your spouse, you can channel the feelings you have about preserving your child’s happiness and sense of safety into making the divorce and subsequent co-parenting process as healthy and cooperative as possible. And you do not have to feel guilty about doing so, either.

Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC provides thoughtful, competent guidance to clients throughout Maryland. To learn more about our services, please call 410-990-0090 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation with a skilled Annapolis divorce attorney.

Fault and No-Fault Grounds for Divorce in Maryland

Maryland has a really interesting mixture of fault and no-fault grounds for divorce. Some of the fault grounds are:

  • Adultery
  • A desertion, which is leaving the home without just cause and having been gone for more than a year
  • A constructive desertion, which often includes violence, but there can be other behaviors as well

There are then two no-fault grounds. One is a separation for one year, which has been continuous and when there is no hope of a reconciliation. The second no-fault ground has very limited use; in that case the parties have to agree to divorce. They have to have a written agreement that settles all financial issues, and there have to be no minor children.

In addition, both spouses have to appear in court and acknowledge that they both want to be divorced based on mutual consent.

Since these grounds are all very fact driven we would be happy for you to come in so that we can review your situation with you, and see where you fit in these different grounds. Please call our office and we would be very happy to talk with you.

To learn more about our services, or to speak with an experienced Annapolis divorce lawyer, please call Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC at 410.921.2422, or fill out our contact form.

Factors Involved in Deciding and Calculating Alimony in Maryland Divorce

property division alimony lawyer maryland

Alimony, or spousal support, is a commonly misunderstood concept in Maryland divorce. Alimony is never guaranteed, and when it is granted, there are many factors that go into deciding when it is appropriate, how much should be paid, for how long and which spouse will pay.

In Maryland, spouses who are divorcing can come to an agreement about how much alimony one will pay the other after the divorce. In cases where the parties are unable to come to an agreement, the court will make the decisions about alimony, and there are several factors that go into making this challenging decision.

What is alimony for?

The purpose of alimony is to attempt to correct an economic imbalance when a couple divorces. It can be difficult for a spouse who is used to enjoying a certain lifestyle or standard of living, to be thrust into a situation where they will be forced to struggle to survive. In the days where one spouse was the “breadwinner” and the other focused on housekeeping and childrearing, the spouse that was focused on taking care of the home and family might be left in a difficult situation if they were not able to rely on alimony to cover their expenses while they look for a job or pursue the training they would need to get a job. Now, most married couples both have jobs and both contribute financially and otherwise to the marriage.

Factors that the court might consider when deciding alimony include:

  • The ability of the party seeking alimony to support themselves
  • The duration of the marriage
  • The age, physical, psychological and general health of the parties
  • The financial needs and resources of each party
  • Whether awarding alimony might create a hardship for the paying spouse
  • Other factors

While alimony is not a punitive measure, the court will also look at what caused the breakup of the marriage when considering whether and how much alimony should be awarded.

(MD. Code Family Law §11–106)

As stated hereinabove, the duration of the marriage is also a vital factor in deciding whether alimony is appropriate and how much to grant. For example, a marriage that lasted for about three years, where both parties worked and earned similar income and had no minor children, the court might not consider spousal support to be appropriate, but in the case where a couple was married for 30 years, one spouse worked while the other raised children and the spouse who raised the children never had a substantial career before the marriage, the court may grant spousal support to make sure that the non-earning spouse is able to take care of themselves financially.

When you are dealing with divorce, wondering how you will get by on your single income, and concerned about who will get the home you purchased together, a skilled Maryland divorce attorney form the law firm of Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC is here to guide you through the complex path of divorce and make sure that whether you are paying or receiving spousal support, you will be treated fairly.

Deciding alimony and calculating how much and what type is appropriate is a complicated area of family law in Maryland. At Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC we are a team of experienced Maryland divorce attorneys who are here to protect your interests in divorce whether you will be paying or receiving spousal support after divorce. Please give us a call at 410.921.2422 or fill out our contact form and schedule a case review today.

Same-Sex Family Law and Divorce Issues and Updates

annapolis same sex divorce lawyer

In the years since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that marriage equality would be the law of the United States, state laws have been changing and adapting to same-sex marriage and the consequences it has for families and family law issues.

It turns out that the Supreme Court decision regarding marriage equality was just the first step for same sex couples and their families. Here we will share brief snippets of news stories about legal changes that are going on across the country that will have an impact on same-sex marriages and families.

Polls show growing support for same-sex marriage

In a poll conducted by the Pew Research Center for U.S. Politics & Policy, Support for Same-Sex Marriage Grows, Even Among Groups That Had Been Skeptical. Pew research polling indicates that 62% of Americans now say that they favor allowing same-sex marriage while 32% are still opposed to the idea. The article talks about how views on same-sex marriage have shifted dramatically in recent years, and in this research study, which was conducted in June 2017, among 2,504 adults, researchers found striking support for same-sex marriage among demographics and partisan groups that had, until recently, broadly opposed it.

Arkansas must now list both same-sex parents on birth certificates

On June 26, 2017, the Supreme Court of the U.S. ruled that, as per the Obergefell v. Hodges decision that entitles same-sex couples to civil marriage, “on the same terms and conditions as opposite-sex couples,” the state of Arkansas is now required to list gay spouses on birth certificates. The state law in Arkansas had required that the male spouse be listed on the birth certificate when a woman gives birth to a child, however, the Arkansas Supreme Court held that state law did not have to apply in the same way for same-sex couples.

The case Pavan v. Smith was brought to the Supreme Court by two same-sex couples who were married, and who had conceived by artificial insemination. The Arkansas Department of Health listed only the mother’s name on the birth certificates because the state law said that only husbands can be listed on a birth certificate.

Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch dissented, writing, “Nothing in Obergefell indicates that a birth registration regime based on biology, one no doubt with many analogues across the country and throughout history, offends the Constitution.”

Judge in Kentucky recuses himself from adoption cases for “homosexual parties”

While some stories have good news for the cause of the acceptance of same-sex marriage and family, others represent a more entrenched way of thinking. In Kentucky, Judge W. Mitchell Nance has issued an order recusing himself from adoption cases involving “homosexual parties” as a matter of conscience, because “under no circumstance would the best interest of the child be promoted by the adoption by a practicing homosexual.” In a story in the Courier-Journal, some experts said the judge may be violating rules by issuing a blanket refusal to hear same-sex adoption cases.

If you are a same sex couple facing a family law dispute, you will benefit from the services of an experienced Annapolis divorce attorney. We encourage you to give us a call at 410.921.2422 or fill out our contact form and schedule a consultation where you can discuss your case with our knowledgeable team of Maryland divorce lawyers at Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC, who will protect your interests.

What Divorce in Maryland Means for Your 401(k)

business owner divorce attorney in annapolis

When you are seeking a divorce in Maryland, your retirement, pension, and/or long-term savings plans are eligible for division under the state’s equitable distribution laws. The division depends on when the accounts were opened, how much money was invested before and during your marriage, and/or whether or not marital funds were used in those investments. In short, your particular circumstances could determine whether or not the money in your 401(k) is considered marital property, though it is not the only reason why such assets may be divided.

Your retirement account may be your largest marital asset

In Maryland, the courts have almost full-scale discretion in valuing retirement accounts as marital property. In a divorce, these benefits can be calculated via three different methods:

  1. As equal to an employee’s contributions plus interest accrued;
  2. As the “present value” of future benefits expected to be received after retirement by the spouse that is the employee; or
  3. Through determining a percentage to be paid to the spouse that is not the employee from any future retirement payments received by the employed spouse, payable “as, if, and when” received.

Which method the courts choose to evaluate you or your spouse’s retirement account is up to your individual case.

Federal law and Maryland Code Family Law Section 8-205(a) govern the distribution of retirement accounts. When such accounts are part of the marital estate, the courts must execute a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) for the plan administrator to be able to allocate funds from any retirement account to a non-employee ex-spouse.

Outside of the family home, retirement accounts are likely to be your most substantial marital assets. If you and your spouse agree on the means to divide your accounts, you should communicate that to your Maryland divorce lawyer. If you contest the means by which division is proposed, you will need skilled representation and a compelling narrative to aid in your advocacy efforts.

The law office of Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC specializes in retirement accounts in Maryland divorces. We offer dedicated guidance throughout the divorce process and can help you ascertain a strategy for asset division. To reserve a consultation time with an experienced Annapolis divorce attorney, please call 410-990-0090 or fill out the firm’s contact form.

What You Need to Know About Military Relocation After Divorce in Maryland

annapolis military divorce lawyer
Troubled male soldier putting together parts of torn family photo, break-up

Members of the United States Armed Forces have a unique set of circumstances governing relocation after a divorce in Maryland. When you are on active duty, you have certain legal protections to your custody rights under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), which allow you to maintain your current custody agreement, as laid out in your Parenting Plan, in the event of military relocation for at least 90 days. When you submit a military relocation request in writing, you will be granted an automatic stay of administrative and court proceedings. A family law judge can also choose to lengthen this time period at his or her discretion, but that will largely depend on your specific situation. To submit a relocation request, invoke your rights under SCRA, and better understand your options for relocation, it is best to seek the counsel of a trusted Annapolis child custody attorney.

Protecting family dynamics after military relocation

If you are the military parent seeking relocation or undergoing deployment, it is necessary to work with your former spouse, your Annapolis child custody lawyer, and your children to construct and enact a situation conducive to a workable family dynamic. When Parenting Plans are created during divorce proceedings for military parents, it is often necessary to consider contingency plans and alternative arrangements that allow the military spouse(s) to serve their country without losing custody of their children.

Some circumstances that could be impacted as a result of your need to relocate for military service are:

  • Frequency of visits
  • Delineation of custody, including primary custody
  • An increased need for flexibility of visits
  • Amount you are paying in child support
  • Family dynamics
  • Ability to support your children in school and extracurricular activities (coaching, attending recitals, and sports games)

Additionally, if your military relocation is more permanent and will affect your current arrangement with your former spouse, you will need your attorney to advocate on your behalf to a judge. If you have not been given 90 days’ notice prior to your relocation, a judge can waive that requirement.

Your ability to serve your country and your children’s welfare are equally important. A trusted Annapolis child custody lawyer will be able to walk you through this process and assist you in obtaining the most effective and workable outcome for you and your family. In most military relocation cases, having an attorney as your advocate is the best decision.

At the law office of Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC, we respect and appreciate your service to our country, and we want to ensure you have a custody arrangement and Parenting Plan that works for you and your children. We can help you navigate the reporting and court processes, and will seek fair custody arrangements on your behalf. Our firm offers compassionate advocacy and ample experience working with military families. To reserve a consultation time, please call 410-990-0090 or complete our contact form. We serve clients throughout Maryland.

Second Parent Adoption Rules and Precedent in Maryland Same-Sex Divorce

Annapolis Same-Sex Child Custody Lawyers Find Workable Solutions

With the legalization of same-sex couple marriages in America, more and more same-sex couples are opting to have children. As of May 2017, it is reported that more than 25% of all Maryland same-sex couples currently have children.

There are protections in place for LGBTQ parents – the Court of Appeals ruled in July of 2016 “that people who have raised children but do not have a biological or adoptive relationship with a child can still be recognized as their legal parents,” as reported by the Baltimore Sun. When a child is born, however, only one male and one female or two female partners may be listed as parents. Two male partners cannot, at this time, be listed on the birth certificate in Maryland without a second parent adoption.

Same-sex couples and the stepparent procedure

A second parent adoption, also sometimes called a co-parent adoption, is an additional way for same-sex couples to both become the parents and guardians of their child in the eyes of the courts. (Adopting your child with your partner does not preclude them from also being designated as a parent to your children.) This is a typical practice for same-sex couples that have, or desire to have, children, and these adoptions are recognized nationwide.

Many times, this means that one parent in a same-sex couple will need to avail themselves of their state’s stepparent adoption procedures. This does not mean that the adoptive parent is treated like a step-parent – these are the only statutes in place in Maryland as of now. It is legally advisable for the non-biological parent to obtain adoption documents in case of a divorce.

If you have children and are embarking on a same sex divorce, it is in your best interest to have an adoption or parentage document laying out your parental rights prior to working with a Maryland divorce attorney. It is well within your rights to have access, visitation, or child custody after a divorce, and if you are the non-biological parent of your children, pursuing adoption options can help you protect that status, in the event that your divorce becomes contentious.

All parents should be able to see their children after a divorce, regardless of sexual orientation. Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC is a premier Annapolis-based family law firm. We offer compassionate and skilled representation to same-sex parents throughout Maryland. To reserve a consultation, please call 410-990-0090 or fill out the firm’s contact form.

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What Happens When You Want to Relocate After Your Divorce in Maryland?

Parental Relocation maryland lawyer

One of the most important factors in a parent’s ability to maintain a bonded relationship with their child, and to have a consistent, reliable presence in their life, is their geographic location. When the custodial parent decides that they want to move, Maryland law has a process that they must follow prior to doing so. The custodial parent, however, should take into consideration the impact that the move will have on the child.

Considering the child’s perspective on moving away

While children are quite resilient and adaptable, they do need stability. Children thrive when they have a safe, secure and stable foundation at home. The court will ask many questions about the move to try and determine if the move is being undertaken in the best interest of the child. If the move is for a new, better paying, more stable job, then the judge may rule that it will improve many aspects of the child’s life. If, however, the custodial parent wants to move 500 miles away to be closer to their new love interest, and the child must leave their familiar surroundings of home, school, friends and recreational opportunities, the move is likely not in the best interest of the child.

Legal requirements for relocation after Maryland divorce

The parent who has primary residential custody of the child may be required to give the court and the other parent at least 90 days written notice of their intent to move. This notice requirement is waived if the parent requesting the move can show the court that providing the notice would expose the child or party to abuse, or if they can show any other good cause. If a party is required to move in less than 90 days, they need to show that the move is required for financial or other extenuating circumstances, and that they gave notice in as reasonable amount of time as possible after learning that they had to relocate. The court may use any violation of the notice requirement as a factor in future custody proceedings. (MD FL §9–106)

What if you are opposed to the relocation?

If your former spouse is the one who has filed the notice to relocate, you do have the right to object. You should know, however, that Maryland places “the burden on the opposing parent to show that the move constitutes a change in circumstances triggering a modification hearing. If established, the court then addresses the child’s best interests.” This can pose a particular problem for military families, where one half of the couple is relocated to another base within the country.

Balancing the best interests of your child with your own needs and life challenges can be difficult. At Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC, we guide you through the difficulties deciding child custody and adjusting to co-parenting after divorce. We invite you to complete our contact form or call us at 410.921.2422 to schedule a consultation. Our skilled Annapolis child custody attorneys are here to protect your rights and guide you through resolving disputes